Thursday, May 04, 2006

Journal #20

The banquet last night was wonderful thanks so much to Jadee. Everyone looked so beautiful and Heather Turner did an awesome job singing a song that totally made me start crying.
The food was awesome , the awards were awesome. It was just a great night!!
All the way home last night, I kept saying to my husband, "I am so sad." It is so sad to think that some of us will probably never see each other again.

I know that each one of the girls / boys in dental hygiene has become my good friend and that I will miss every single person.
If you could see me right now, I am about to start crying and it is only 8:00 AM!!! A great way to start the day!!!

I know that I will keep blogging and I hope that everyone else does as well!!! It would be sad to loose the friendship that has become so strong over these past two years.

Some one needs to be put in charge of like a reunion or something. It would be so fun to see what everyone looks like and what everyone is up to in like 5 to 10 years.

*natalie just remember that commencment means a new beginning, not an ending!!


Blogger Melissa said...

Girlfriend, are you crazy? You posted this comment at 6:58 in the morning?! What the fudge!! Don't you sleep in? Just kidding. Your comment was really sweet. I was surprised that I didn't get to choked up last night. And everybody in our class looked amazazing last night! Jadee's hair wasn't frizzy, it was stunning!! And Korbin looked like America's next top model! It was a great night and I can't wait for graduation!!

1:22 PM  
Blogger Mary Ann said...

I am so glad that you are going to keep blogging. I think that if we blog, talk on the phone, and visit each other we WILL be friends for a long time. Blogging is a great way to staty in touch with each other...sadly not many of our class will play...

9:24 PM  

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