Friday, June 02, 2006

ethical dilemma

So I got hired by this dentist and this morning he calls me up and asks me to come in for another working interview, so I think that my job is somehow in question. He explains to me that the other hygienist called in sick and that he was looking for someone to come and fill in for her because their hygiene schedule was way full. So he was really asking me to cover for someone else but just calling it a "working interview." I didn't have a car available so I couldn't go but what if I could have gone, I don't know what I would have done. Because it seems to me like that would be working with out my license and that would get me and the office into big trouble if that were discovered. Maybe I am just overreacting about the whole thing but it did get me thinking!!! Kind of like ya know that one ethics class we had!!!

Would it have been ok for me to work? I do not have the answer!! I really want to but then I start to think about all those people that I saw who had to go before the board and have suspended licenses and things like that and it freaks me out a little bit!!

Another thing that came to my mind after this phone call was what would I say to this dentist if I had been able to go? Should I have just called him on it and say NO WAY, ITS ILLEGAL, or would I have tried to beat around the bush and come up with some other excuse, or could I have just said that I felt uncomfortable and hope that he was understanding?
But, who knows because I didn't have to have that conversation!!! But in the future what would I do? I don't know!!

Ok, on a lighter note, I watched the Davinci Code last night and I am not sure how I feel about it? I don't think I quite understood all that was going on. And I could hardly understand that girl that was one of the main characters. I had to keep leaning over to my husband and say "What did she say." Which I bet got really annoying after like the billionth time!!
And also, were we suppose to understand all the people speaking french or italian or latin or whatever they were speaking? That was really weird. And another thing, I think that the plot went too fast for me. Because like one minute they are talking about one thing and then like the next second its on to something else!! So I kept saying " whats going on" like every two seconds!!! Anyway!! I thought it was a great fictional murder mystery and don't know why there is so much controversy over it!!! I mean people should really be protesting over more important things like UCDH!!! Ha Ha Ha


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