Thursday, March 02, 2006

Journal #10

Mockboard anesthesia went well except that I never got any feedback from the instructors that watched my technique so I don't know if I passed or not and I never got my score back for the written practice test so I don't know how I did on that. I feel very confident that I did well but I guess I will never know until real anesthesia boards !!

I totally recommend using someone familiar as a patient. My patient for real anesthesia boards is Korbin and she made it so I was not nervous because I have practiced on her a million times and she is so great!!

Journal #9

My patient cancelled on me just last night so my dad had to come in as my emergency patient.
If I went through my life as unorganized or uncaring as some of my patients, I would get nowhere. They schedule appointments and then forget about them and then expect us to reschedule them. Do they not understand that we only have one semester and a whole bunch of requirments to fulfill and they might not even be what we need.
I have decided that if my patient cancels on my or no shows I will not reschedule them. There are other people who acknowladge that we are providing an invaluable service, one that could ultimately save their life and these are the people that I want to treat. And these are the people that I want to schedule. I don't have time or the energy to try to cater to every whim of my patients. Those that want to come in will remember their appointments and those that don't really want a cleaing will just basically screw me over and stress me out even more because they cancel or no show but then in revenge, I won't schedule them.

(To myself) Natalie stop sounding so bitter. Everything will work out!! So you have retarded patients who cares, at least you have a patient in your chair and a patient to work on. That is all that matters.

Journal #8

Today was mockboard day and heidi Wilson was so wonderful and found me a mockboard patient. It was kind of a bummer though because when he came today, he told me that he had to leave at 9:30 so I didn't really have any time to scale or probe or do any of the things that I will be doing on the real boards. My patient had a lot of hidden areas of calculus like on the straight facial of #7 he had a really deep pocket with black calculus but I would have never expected to see calculus there because that is an area where everyone brushes but I guess he hasn't brushed there for quite some time.

I don't even know if he would have qualified for the real boards, I think that he had too deep of pockets and I don't know if I would have wanted to clean him anyway for boards because his calculus was kind of cement like but manageable.

I am just kind of frustrated that I never get a really good mockboard experience. People just don't seem to "get it." That they are coming to a university to have there teeth cleaned meaning that it will take longer then a normal dental office and our instructors will provide feedback and help throughout the appointment and that there are less professors then students and that they are going to have to wait to be checked.

HELLO, it is on our time not the patients time, they need to accomidate to us!! not us to them because then we do not get our requirments or good experiences.