Friday, September 23, 2005

Clinic Journal #5 and #6

During last weeks anatomy class I learned a ton of things from Prof. Hanson that I had forgotten. Being a TA has made me review the anatomy of the teeth and is so important in cleaning the teeth. I think that because of the things I am learning in anatomy I can imagine the structure of the teeth while I am scaling.
I learned:

Use a sickle scaler on the mandibular first premolar and on the mesial and distal surfaces of the teeth.

Remember to use an instrument with a larger blade on the maxillary first molar to reach into the flutations.

Use the gracey 13/14 (distal) to clean the buccal flutation on the mandibular first molar.

I tried to use this during my WSU clinic time except for my patient only had like six teeth!!!
I was also CA that day in clinic for the morning session and then in the afternoon someones patient didn't show up on time so that person found a different patient to work on but at like 1:30 the original patient showed up so I was able to see that patient. It was amazing to me how hard it was for me to switch modes from CA to hygienist. I was totally not prepared and I had to borrow a lot of things from different people so for those of you who helped me, Thank You!! One thing that I had forgotten about was how to take radiographs on someone who is edentulous on the mandibular arch but has teeth on the maxillary. I struggled but they came out as well as could be expected!!

The VA always teaches me something new and I learned last week that I can use both hands to put pressure on the instrument. I fulcrum and place the instrument with my right hand and then I with my left hand I use like two fingers and put more pressure on the right hand instrument. It was so weird but I was able to get the calculus off so I guess it works. It is so different from first year when we could only fulcrum inside the mouth and like only one or two teeth away from the tooth being worked on.
I like it better knowing that I can do whatever is necessary to get the calculus off.
I only had one patient. I think it takes me so long because all my patients there fall asleep and close their mouths and I have to keep telling them to open their mouths like every couple of seconds.

I am grateful for prof. Hanson and how hard she works to get us patients to work on. We need so many requirments and she definitly understands our needs and our need for patients to practice our skills on.


Blogger Kami said...

Thanks again for your kind comments, it is nice to know that hard work is appreciated. I was looking through your completed work today and have to say you are in the best shape of anybody that I have reviewed. Great work Natalie!

3:42 PM  
Blogger Kami said...

By the way, you realize that I am going to have to keep you and Heidi as my TAs know don't you? Who will be able to fill your shoes?

3:43 PM  

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