Thursday, November 18, 2004

Outline for my target pop

Bad eating habits of teenagers
1-Teen survey to identify exact problem and if it is changable
2-Collect data from surveys and come up with a plan to help educate
3-Identify specific needs and prioritize them depending on time and resources and population need

A-)Develop program
1-Get authorization from the principal of the Junior High School and from the health
2-Get funding and support from local dentist and hygienists and from oral product
companies for free handouts
3-Schedule specific times and dates for whole school assemblies or specific class assemblies
or health class presentations
4-Develop power point presentations with hands on activities for the teens
5-Volunteer to give a presentation about dental hygiene on career day
6-Round up volunteer dentist and hygienist to open up their offices one Saturday a month
for a couple months for teens who would like more education about diet and the oral
effect, also maybe promote that by giving free cleanings
7-Talk to the faculty about nutritional vending machines and have their cooperation in
promoting them
8-Coordinate with the Health teachers to promote and educate their students about diet and
the effects on the teeth, Have maybe a part of their grade depending on Oral hygiene
*9-Have a booth set up at lunch time with handouts of toothbrushes and floss and
10-Talk with the principal about investing in disposable toothbrushes in the bathrooms, for a
quarter or else just for free

I think all of these ideas are pretty doable the only ones I question and would be the biggest money concern would be trying to coordinate a Saturday for free cleanings and OHI and also the disposable toothbrushes in the bathrooms because that privaledge would just be abused by the students (teens).
I think Junior High is the time when teens are trying so hard to fit in that they will just eat crap for lunch, I know I did. I think I ate ice cream every day for lunch in the 7th grade. If I could teach these teens that Oral Hygiene is cool and fun and totally worth it in the long run that would be so awesome.
* I really like this idea. I think it would really be effective. It would't be too pushy and a Hygienist would be right there watching the eating habits of the population they were trying to help. I know that I would have appreciated a toothbrush sometimes after lunch. I think this would be the first thing I would do after I had presented a discussion (powerpoint) with the teens and had kind of promoted their thinking on the effects diet had on their teeth.

I know I am just rambling on but I think I have great ideas but I would love comments from anyone even if you think my ideas are super dumb, I would appreciate any feedback!!


Blogger Kami said...

Wow, a great plan. You have included a nice "needs assessment" phase as well as development and implementation considerations. In addition, You have brought up some good questions regarding logistics. While these are good considerations, they have been included in this write-up as caveats, but don't need to derail your program plan, because after all, this is a plan in theory, not one we will actually implement for this class.

I also like that your plan has two phases: an educational phase as well as a treatment phase. It is good to think big and then par down from there.

You are ready for your evaluative phase where you conceive of methods for analysis of the success of your program.

10:11 PM  
Blogger karena said...

i am also focusing on teens and it is very difficult to concieve a plan where teens will do something good for themselves if it is not popular. this is why i think you on a good understand that to actually make this work would require either making oral health education a requirement through classrooms, or by polling the kids to see what would motivate them. I do like alot of your ideas; however, the only ones i am concerned over are the vending machines (does the school faculty have control over them) and the free cleanings (usually parents dictate medical/dental visits at this age). anyways, good ideas and good luck

9:52 AM  

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